Merit Real Estate

4 Simple Mistakes Many Homebuyers Make

After many years in the real estate business, Merit Real Estate has witnessed our fair share of mistakes that homebuyers have made. In an effort to keep you from making the same mistakes, we’ve created a list for your reference.


Homebuyer Mistake #1: Buying a Home Before You’re Ready

If you haven’t sold your previous home and you’re not in a position to make two mortgage payments until you do – don’t buy a new house!

Homebuyer Mistake #2: Looking at Homes You Can’t Afford

This one is tough because budgets can fluctuate and every homebuyer has something in the back of their head saying, “If the house is perfect, we’ll make it work.” It’s better to stick to looking at houses in your price range. It’ll help you avoid heartbreak – or worse – being house-poor when you just can’t live without the more expensive home.

Homebuyer Mistake #3: Buying the First House You See

There’s some strange chemical in our brains that is released at the first house we look at during our home search and makes us say, “This is it!!” A very small percentage of homebuyers may get lucky and find their dream home on the first try, but it is more likely that the third, fourth, or fifth house you look at will be a better fit – give them a try!

Homebuyer Mistake #4: Thinking Every Day will be like Today

So many homebuyers are so focused on the here-and-now that they end up purchasing a home that’s perfect for their one-child-and-one-dog household! But five years and two kids later, the home they thought was perfect is now too cramped and small to accommodate their family. Depending on how long you’re planning to live in your home, it may make more sense to “buy up” to the home you will cherish for years – and life changes – to come.

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