Merit Real Estate

Keep Things Status Quo: Helping Your Dog Stay Safe and Secure in a New Home

Major life transitions can be as hard on animals as they are on people. For a dog, moving is probably the most difficult transition of all. One day, they’re feeling safe and secure in familiar surroundings; the next, they’re unsettled and seeking solace in a strange, new place. As your dog’s owner, it’s your responsibility to help your friend ease into his new home. It’s the least you can do – after all, a dog can help people lower their stress levels, improve their health, and even expand their life expectancy. If you could ever use some stress relief, it’s moving day.

Feelings of insecurity can cause dogs to feel jumpy and skittish, especially high-strung breeds. A dog that’s upset about new surroundings may try to run away, or do damage to the house or furniture. Dogs also tend to be territorial, which can complicate things when you’re moving into a new house. That’s why it’s important to help your pet feel safe and secure in his new home as quickly as possible.

Business as usual

Most people have set times for things like feeding, walking, and playing with their dog, as well as bedtime. These are important parts of your pet’s day, touchstones that reinforce his sense of well-being and normality, so make a point of keeping things status quo once you’ve moved into your new home. If you’ve always had a certain routine for letting your dog out, try to maintain it after you move. If your new house doesn’t have a safety fence, consider installing one so that you can allow your pet to run and play in the backyard without having to worry about him getting away. The price of having a wood fence installed averages from $1,688 to $3,933 in Los Angeles.

Familiar things (and smells)

If you intend to buy your dog a whole new set of toys, food/water dishes and a brand new cushy bed, hold off for a while. Familiar sensory experiences are important for making your pet feel at home. Resist the temptation to throw away those torn up and slobbered-on old chew toys. They’re all your pet has to make him feel comfortable while he’s getting acclimated to his new surroundings. Once your dog’s made the new house his own, you can start upgrading all his doggy belongings.

Calm time

Look for ways to reduce the anxiety your friend will experience after a move. He might feel more comfortable being separated from all the hubbub and furor while you’re working hard to get everything where it belongs and making upgrades. If your dog’s “safe spot” is a box or a crate, keep it in a secluded spot so he can retreat there when he starts feeling anxious. If he’s acting especially skittish, it might be worthwhile to keep him at a friend or family member’s house until things settle down. If that’s not possible, consider a dog sitter or boarding service. He’ll get the personal attention and exercise he needs during this hectic time.

Take precautions

Pets sometimes get in the way while you’re unpacking and moving stuff around. Consider getting a safety gate to keep them out of rooms in which you’ll be working. They may also bolt out an open door or window, running the risk of injury or worse if they wander into a busy street. Make sure your windows have screens, especially if they’re at floor level. And try not to leave the front or back door open as you move things in and out.

You’re going to be busy for a while getting everything in order. Try not to forget about your dog in all the upset. Carve out a little time for him each day, and keep an eye out for potential dangers.  Remember that animals who have been uprooted from their home may act unpredictably.

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